Thursday, June 11, 2009

I am ashamed that it has been so long. I just noticed that the two other blogs that I read have updated and decided I was way past due. Hopefully they will read this and perhaps respond so that I know they are reading. ( hear that Jasmine and Paula?)
We had a wonderful ride to Evansville, Ind. with daughter and two grandsons. The St. Louis Zoo was a blast for all of us. The boys traveled so well. They had a blast at the wedding, danced the night away.
June is a busy month for us. I am golfing? twice a week. Had the last slot car race on my track for the season. If there are any 1/32 scale slot racers that happen to read this, please respond and we can talk. I have a great track in my basement. I routed it in wood, four lanes and 57 ft. per lap. We have a group of about twelve men who race regularly about twice a month from Sept. to May. Granddaughter who just got out of 8th grade is playing for the high school softball team at least three days a week and we love going to those games. Grandson E is playing a lot also and we try to go to his Fri. games each week. Haven't gotten to see 6 year old L. play because games are during the week and he is 225 mi. away.
Got a very good report from Dr. at my six month check. No signs of cancer return and no reason to believe it will. Am bothered some by a bulge in my side just above the incision, but he thinks that is because the rib that used to be there is not there now to hold stuff in. He also reminded me that it will take at least a year for me to completely heal from the surgery.
Wife is doing very well. Has lost nearly 40 lbs and that has helped with her mobility. COPD still is an issue, but she is doing better with activity. We have planned a trip to Puero Rico in Sept. to celebrate our 44th anniversery. Am looking forward to that. Also looking forward to perhaps doing some diving with Mo. folks in July.
We went to Denver to visit bro. in April. Lucked into attending a B. Springsteen concert there. That was awesome. Good time with Bro. Considering going back to Denver area in August to another wedding and visit.
That sort of catches things up. Will try to be more faithful in the future.