Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Traveled quite a bit the last two weeks. Brother and wife came to visit for two weeks. Had a great time, played golf three times and saw Iowa grandkids play ball. Went to high school reunion (48 years). Already talking about trying to get everyone there for our 50th.

Real treat came last week end when we went to Ashland, Nebr. for the first national family reunion. Met people for the first time. Wife and I worked on our genealogy stuff until the day before the reunion. Had a genealogy wall chart that was almost 12 feet long and three feet deep. It was the star of the reunion. People are now sending me additions and corrections. The book I did is over 50 pages. Am quite proud of the work, but now motivated to continue that and start a book of family stories. We volunteered to host the next reunion in two years. Need to start planning now. Looking forward to having even more people attend.

Saw our Mo. grandkids Mem. week end also. Were so busy we didn't get to see kids as much as we would have liked. Saw Levi play ball. Wow have they improved since I went to practice a month ago. Promised them we would be back soon. Big kids have a summer to do list that we would like to help with, so will get back down there soon.