Sunday, September 27, 2009

Don't know if anyone is even checking on this any more, but just in case, here goes. We have had a wonderful summer. Visited Bro and some good friends in Colo. in April. Was wonderful to see old friends that hadn't been seen in years. Always fun to visit bro and family. Returned to Colo in July (Aug?) to go to nephew's son's wedding. Beautiful location at a lake in Estes Park. Once again saw old friend in Loveland. Ila stayed with friend all day while wedding party golfed. Both of us had good time. Week after return from Colo.. we went to Puerto Rico for five nights. Wonderful resort that was very much upscale for us. (If you were a registered guest you could play their golf course for only $225) Wife, non swimmer, showed bravery by doing snuba. Finally gained enough confidence to let go of raft and do a little underwater exploring. I pulled her around and she breathed through the regulator and had a great time. Also visited rain forest on the island. Very beautiful and very interesting. Are home again now and getting ready for autumn and winter. Are planning a Feb. vacation haven't decided for sure where. Are leaning toward Bahama's. Oh! Almost forgot. Got hole in one in July. Made a big deal out of it, but few others did.

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