Wednesday, May 19, 2010

golf time is here

At last warm enough to play golf. Have played five times, terribly! But good to get back with my golf buddies. Have worked hard outside on house. Tore out all plants in the front and replaced with stuff deer are not supposed to like. Grand kids are now busy with outdoor activities. Haven't got to see Levi play baseball yet, did get to a couple of his practices earlier. I am teaching two classes this term, T & Th. Bri is hard into softball, don't know whether she is playing varsity this year or not. I have been asked to be the voice in the PA booth for her high school games. Have been working on my Harry Carey voice. Did see one of Bri's ASA tourneys and plan on going to one this week end. Saw one of Evan's baseball games and may make another this week. He is playing MWF in a Babe Ruth league. Have been working on genealogy in preparation for the big reunion in Nebr. in June. Bro is coming next week. We are playing in an over 50 best shot on Mon. Then who knows what we will do. Are going to S. Iowa to high school reunion and visit with Paula on Mem. weekend. Damn don't know how I kept up with everything before I retired, can hardly keep up now. Ila's knees do not respond well to this cool damp spring weather, but the nice days she is good to go. COPD seems to be better. Thanks to you who left me a message, encouraged me to keep this up a little.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

late again

Too much time since last time. Lots has happened. Will skip most of the happening. Did have a vacation to the Bahamas in Feb. Was unusually cool (60's) and windy. Not good for beach sitting. Did get in one nice dive. Dived a site called shark alley. Appropriately named. Went in at 50 feet and must have seen 10 sharks by the time we hit bottom. Sat there for half and hour watching 10 - 15 swim around us. Most were reef sharks. One diver thought he saw a tiger shark, but I am not good enough to id them. Was cool in all ways. Now am working on my genealogy. Have us traced back to first one in the country in 1728. Have contacted many family people thru facebook and have learned a lot. Will try to update more often. If anyone reads this I would like to know. Don't know if I am posting just for myself or others.