Wednesday, May 12, 2010

late again

Too much time since last time. Lots has happened. Will skip most of the happening. Did have a vacation to the Bahamas in Feb. Was unusually cool (60's) and windy. Not good for beach sitting. Did get in one nice dive. Dived a site called shark alley. Appropriately named. Went in at 50 feet and must have seen 10 sharks by the time we hit bottom. Sat there for half and hour watching 10 - 15 swim around us. Most were reef sharks. One diver thought he saw a tiger shark, but I am not good enough to id them. Was cool in all ways. Now am working on my genealogy. Have us traced back to first one in the country in 1728. Have contacted many family people thru facebook and have learned a lot. Will try to update more often. If anyone reads this I would like to know. Don't know if I am posting just for myself or others.


Unknown said...

I'm still reading. That's the beauty of using Google Reader. It updates me when there is a new post.

-Nephew Gregory

Jazz's Little Buddies said...

I read and enjoy it. Jasmine