Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Things are going very well. Dr. says I shouldn't have to worry about this cancer thing with my kidney ever again. We are relieved, especially Ila. I am back to normal activity. The last form of discomfort was riding. Even that seems to have gone away. We went to DM last week and it didn't bother me at all. I have golfed twice(once each week for the past 2 weeks) with no side effects or soreness at all. We plan to go to Chi. this Sat. on a bus trip to see a play. A one day trip so it will be a full day. Ila is trying to diet seriously. Usually when she set her mind to losing weight she is successfull. Is going a little slower for her than she wants. She has lost 9.5 lbs. in the last 3 weeks. More impressively, we went to work out this morning and she did 3/9 of a mi. and stopped only 2 times. We then lift weights on machines. Today's workout was her idea, and that is good. I have only 2 classes next term beginning Nov. 5. I will teach on Mon. night and Tues. morning. Works good with my schedule as I have started a Texas holdem league that plays each Wed. night. Last Wed. was not good. Had the worst case scenario for a poker player: got great cards that wound up losing. You go through your money fast with that combination and I was third one out of the tournament. Maybe tonight will be better. Weather has been great and we have gotten a lot done outside. Slot car racing was very good last Sun. I won 11 of 20 races I ran. We race (different club) this Sun. at my track. If I ever get some picturs of the track here I will post. It is pretty impressive to all who see it for the first time. It is rainy today so we are doing very little. Probably take a nap soon. The rewards of being retired.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

6 week report

Went to the Dr. this morning for the 6 wk check up. Good news. Says I can resume normal activities if I listen to my body and stop if it hurts. Chances of tearing or damaging something are slim. Also said that this is something that I shouldn't have to worry about in the future. He is as sure as is "humanly possible" that he got all the tumor. Says he predicts less that 5% chance of recurrance. Great. The jiggling and jostling of riding still is a minor discomfort, but seems to be improving. Plan on going to the range and hitting some golf balls tomorrow and maybe try to play on Thurs. or Monday. Got my classes back at the college and will begin teaching again on Nov. 5. So things are looking good.
Had planned on taking a road trip to Louisville to see niece or to Denver to see bro., but apparently every weekend is getting filled in Oct. We could go during the week, but the people that we would be visiting all work during the week so that doesn't make a lot of sense. Of course, I don't teach on Fri. or Monday so we could still go to Louisville about any time. Guess we will stay home except for a one day trip into Chi. on Oct. 25 to see the play "Dirty Dancing" which is one of Ila's favorite movies.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mo. grandkids and parents came last week end. Wonderful time. Wife and I had kids all day Sat. They were great. Felt the effects some that night. Just from getting on floor and up etc. Side where incision is was sore sat. night. Felt pretty good Sun. Daughter took boys with her on sunday so we could rest some. Took a morning nap and felt great in PM. Levi wanted to see his cousins bad. Got a late start to E's football game. Got there and ---no game. Cussed self for not checking to make certain of location. Drove clear across town. No game. Gave up came home. Game was at the only other field in town. Should've read the calendar, or taken the phone. Oh, well, Levi and I will both survive not seeing the game or the kids.
Am still amazed at my recovery. Go to see dr. next week. Will be 6 wks post op. Swung golf club a few times in the back yard today. Felt fine. Will try to mow lawn tomorrow. Riding still seems to be biggest pain causer.
Why is it that people are called cancer survivors, but no mention is made of being cured. You aren't called a pnuemonia survivor. You get over it, you are cured. I was never as ill with this as I have been with sinus infections. Maybe I will ask my surgoen when I see him if I am cured or a survivor. Sure hope I am one or the other.
Missed racing again last Sunday. Hopefully I will start making it soon.