Tuesday, October 7, 2008

6 week report

Went to the Dr. this morning for the 6 wk check up. Good news. Says I can resume normal activities if I listen to my body and stop if it hurts. Chances of tearing or damaging something are slim. Also said that this is something that I shouldn't have to worry about in the future. He is as sure as is "humanly possible" that he got all the tumor. Says he predicts less that 5% chance of recurrance. Great. The jiggling and jostling of riding still is a minor discomfort, but seems to be improving. Plan on going to the range and hitting some golf balls tomorrow and maybe try to play on Thurs. or Monday. Got my classes back at the college and will begin teaching again on Nov. 5. So things are looking good.
Had planned on taking a road trip to Louisville to see niece or to Denver to see bro., but apparently every weekend is getting filled in Oct. We could go during the week, but the people that we would be visiting all work during the week so that doesn't make a lot of sense. Of course, I don't teach on Fri. or Monday so we could still go to Louisville about any time. Guess we will stay home except for a one day trip into Chi. on Oct. 25 to see the play "Dirty Dancing" which is one of Ila's favorite movies.

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