Monday, November 3, 2008

Don't know how many of you are in Iowa, but we have been getting some beautiful weather. Went golfing today in shorts and short sleeves. My game wasn't nearly as good as the weather. Spent couple of days at the Mo. kids. Worked on the house. Saw Levi play soccor.He has improved so much since last year. He scored three goals. After each one he looked for me in the crowd with the big smile. He is such a joy. Benjamin is still special in his own way. He is talking so much now and is so much fun. Always enjoy the time with them. They were both here with us Tues. night and day Wed. then we all went to Mo. on Wed. pm. Came home Sat. am and went to a play at the Amanas on Sat. night. Ila caught cold and with her Copd she gets really down with a cold. Hope she gets better soon. She did nothing here today and was miserable. I had a meeting at the College tonight and spent most of the day gone to the golf course and I think she got pretty lonely. Will be home together tomorrow and it is supposed to be nice. I start teaching next week. I certainly could stand another 6 weeks-6years off. Tomorrow is voting day. Will be rather happy to see it end and get away from all the advertisements and computer calls. Have been more interested in this election than most. Everytime I hear someone say that they don't think Sara is qualified to be VP I ask where there were the last two elections and why they didn't ask the same questions about Cheney. I find that at 65 I have more questions and fewer answers and when I was 35 I had more answers and fewer questions.

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