Wednesday, November 25, 2009

late again

Since last time(Sept) haven't done much. Got to play golf until mid November. Now am involved with Son's and grandaughter's basketball. Evan is just about done with his 7th grade season, but Bri's freshman season is just beginning. Once again I am traveling with the varsity and Soph teams and doing the score book. Levi is doing rollerblade hockey again and we must get to see him play soon. Will be going down there for a few days right after Thanksgiving. Jake is working thanksgiving so we will be going to Jeff's for the day. Several people invited from both sides of his family.

We just booked our Feb. vacation. Will be going to a resort in Grand Bahama for a week. Ila's sister, Marie, will travel with us. Long story on the booking, but did the deal through Cheap Caribbean again. This one is an all inclusive so I may have to start drinking again while it's included. Will probably dive at least once. Looking to do a shark dive and hopefully a wreck dive. Haven't really investigated the possibilities yet.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Don't know if anyone is even checking on this any more, but just in case, here goes. We have had a wonderful summer. Visited Bro and some good friends in Colo. in April. Was wonderful to see old friends that hadn't been seen in years. Always fun to visit bro and family. Returned to Colo in July (Aug?) to go to nephew's son's wedding. Beautiful location at a lake in Estes Park. Once again saw old friend in Loveland. Ila stayed with friend all day while wedding party golfed. Both of us had good time. Week after return from Colo.. we went to Puerto Rico for five nights. Wonderful resort that was very much upscale for us. (If you were a registered guest you could play their golf course for only $225) Wife, non swimmer, showed bravery by doing snuba. Finally gained enough confidence to let go of raft and do a little underwater exploring. I pulled her around and she breathed through the regulator and had a great time. Also visited rain forest on the island. Very beautiful and very interesting. Are home again now and getting ready for autumn and winter. Are planning a Feb. vacation haven't decided for sure where. Are leaning toward Bahama's. Oh! Almost forgot. Got hole in one in July. Made a big deal out of it, but few others did.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I am ashamed that it has been so long. I just noticed that the two other blogs that I read have updated and decided I was way past due. Hopefully they will read this and perhaps respond so that I know they are reading. ( hear that Jasmine and Paula?)
We had a wonderful ride to Evansville, Ind. with daughter and two grandsons. The St. Louis Zoo was a blast for all of us. The boys traveled so well. They had a blast at the wedding, danced the night away.
June is a busy month for us. I am golfing? twice a week. Had the last slot car race on my track for the season. If there are any 1/32 scale slot racers that happen to read this, please respond and we can talk. I have a great track in my basement. I routed it in wood, four lanes and 57 ft. per lap. We have a group of about twelve men who race regularly about twice a month from Sept. to May. Granddaughter who just got out of 8th grade is playing for the high school softball team at least three days a week and we love going to those games. Grandson E is playing a lot also and we try to go to his Fri. games each week. Haven't gotten to see 6 year old L. play because games are during the week and he is 225 mi. away.
Got a very good report from Dr. at my six month check. No signs of cancer return and no reason to believe it will. Am bothered some by a bulge in my side just above the incision, but he thinks that is because the rib that used to be there is not there now to hold stuff in. He also reminded me that it will take at least a year for me to completely heal from the surgery.
Wife is doing very well. Has lost nearly 40 lbs and that has helped with her mobility. COPD still is an issue, but she is doing better with activity. We have planned a trip to Puero Rico in Sept. to celebrate our 44th anniversery. Am looking forward to that. Also looking forward to perhaps doing some diving with Mo. folks in July.
We went to Denver to visit bro. in April. Lucked into attending a B. Springsteen concert there. That was awesome. Good time with Bro. Considering going back to Denver area in August to another wedding and visit.
That sort of catches things up. Will try to be more faithful in the future.

Monday, February 9, 2009

vacation memories

I didn't mention that when Wife and I went on cruise we also included my widowed sister-in-law. She is mid-70's, but that was ok. If you have cruised then you know that three to an inside room was going to be cozy. Thanks to our agent we got a room with a hideabed rather than a bunk. Worked out great! Absolutely no problems and I was amazed by that. I had bad dreams of claustrophobia before we arrived at the ship, but all went well. It was in-laws first cruise and I think she enjoyed it a lot. As you can tell from my last post, I was rather left to myself on shore and that worked really well for all of us. Both the ladies are restricted in what they can do physically so they didn't mind my taking off. We did all share the cab ride around Cozumel (after they sated the endless thirst for shopping.) We had told adult kids that there would be no souvenirs. Then,of course, I saw this neat carved manatee at the Mayan school and had to get it for daughter. Son-in-law pretended (hope) to be insulted and left out. Had some good laughs with them.
Two youngest grandchildren stayed with us this week end. We had the usual great time. They are a huge source of enjoyment and so easy to care for. More like a week end party when they are here. I was completely bushed on Sunday night. Two days of being on the floor playing is a chore for an old fat guy. But how can you resist "Papa, would you please play cars with me?" Simple answer, you don't even pretend to resist.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Has been a long time since last posted. Have lost a little interest in this, I guess. Had wonderful holidays as I hope all of you did. We just returned last Monday from a cruise in the Caribbean. Visited Mayan ruins in Costa Maya, Mexico. I just hired a cab and had him drive me out to the Chacoben ruins. Drove like a maniac, but that was all right by me. In Guatemala I took a boat trip up a large river. Awesome scenery with dense jungle rising straight up from the river. Went up a small river to a Mayan school. Very interesting. 750 jr. & senior high school students. Had to walk over a mile back into the jungle to get to the school. Ate some of their food being prepared for student lunch. Also went to fishing village with long history and definite laid back atmosphere. Went diving in Belize. Good reef and wall dive. Wall started at 35 feet and went down to 3000. We went about 85 feet down the wall. Saw nothing really unusual. Took a cab tour at Cozumel. Beautiful island. The water looks like nowhere else I have ever been. Our third visit to the island, but our first tour because I have dived here the other two times. Returned to New Orleans. I love the city, wife hates it. We did a car tour but not much else. Came home to the nasty cold Iowa. Don't think we will take another Jan. vacation, too long to spring when we return, at least with March vacation you don't have to wait so long before good weather.