Friday, January 30, 2009

Has been a long time since last posted. Have lost a little interest in this, I guess. Had wonderful holidays as I hope all of you did. We just returned last Monday from a cruise in the Caribbean. Visited Mayan ruins in Costa Maya, Mexico. I just hired a cab and had him drive me out to the Chacoben ruins. Drove like a maniac, but that was all right by me. In Guatemala I took a boat trip up a large river. Awesome scenery with dense jungle rising straight up from the river. Went up a small river to a Mayan school. Very interesting. 750 jr. & senior high school students. Had to walk over a mile back into the jungle to get to the school. Ate some of their food being prepared for student lunch. Also went to fishing village with long history and definite laid back atmosphere. Went diving in Belize. Good reef and wall dive. Wall started at 35 feet and went down to 3000. We went about 85 feet down the wall. Saw nothing really unusual. Took a cab tour at Cozumel. Beautiful island. The water looks like nowhere else I have ever been. Our third visit to the island, but our first tour because I have dived here the other two times. Returned to New Orleans. I love the city, wife hates it. We did a car tour but not much else. Came home to the nasty cold Iowa. Don't think we will take another Jan. vacation, too long to spring when we return, at least with March vacation you don't have to wait so long before good weather.

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