Monday, September 15, 2008

Good day to all of you on my first blog. I am not really sure why I am doing this, other than my daughter is a blogger and some other people I know do it and I find it entertaining and informative to read their's.
I don't know how much about me will show on my profile so I will tell you a bit about me and what I am.
I am a retired educator that still does some adjunct teaching in a small college.
I am not young, but until recently I felt like I was. Just a few weeks ago I was diognosed with Kidney cancer and just three weeks ago I underwent surgery to have the tumor removed. My prognosis is very positive and my recovery so far has far exceeded my expectations. I have an impressive 10 inch scar that I can make up stories about. This is really my first experience with health related problems and I am not sure how I will handle it. My major concern is that I will not be able to continue to do all the things I want and need to do. I am only 64 and I am not at all ready to feel old.
My hobbies and interests are so far ranging that I am not sure I want to even try to list them. I very much like to golf, though I have not mastered the game very well at all. I have always been a decent athlete and have struggled with my inability to progress to an acceptable level of expertise with the game. I have always enjoyed auto racing, especially sports cars. The only level of racing that I have been able to afford is 1/32 scale slot car racing. I have a personally hand routed, four lane, track in my basement. I belong to 2 different racing clubs that race monthly on one of three area home tracks. I don't even own a digital camera so I probably won't be posting pictures of the track. It is 57 feet per lap and I am currently deep into landscaping it. It is one of those projects that has no end and that is the way I want it. At age 61 I began to Scuba dive. How that came about is a story for another day that I will post. For now, let's say that it is something I enjoy a lot.
My grandchildren are a huge source of enjoyment for me and my wife. We have two that are nearby (within 25miles) and two that are a little more removed (225 miles). The two close ones are older (13 & 10), a boy and a girl. The two younger ones (5 & 2) are both boys who seem to love their "Papa" very much. We talk on the phone at least once a week.
Enough for the first time. Hopefully some others will read these and perhaps respond.

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