Sunday, September 21, 2008

ramblings and bringing up to the present

Any of you readers that have children will know what I am talking about today. You always show interest in what your children are doing. This is true if the children are 3 or 33. When my daughter (P) and son-in-law (J) started scuba I showed interest. Then J got licensed as an instructor and I get this book and letter in the mail. "I know you have been interested in this so here is a book and we will start your certification lessons next time you are down here." I immediately thought, "What the hell are they thinking, I am 61 years old, I smoke, and I am fat." But like all parents, you don't want to disappoint your kids, so I read the book and had a few near death experiences and now I am a certified diver. I have dived in a few different mid-western lakes, some with zero vis, Cozumel, Mexico, and the Florida Keys. I enjoy it very much and am always trying to figure out how to get to the Caribbean for more underwater time.
My latest dives were in the Keys, and so far that was my favorite diving. Some because there were so many different fish and some because I was diving with my family and friends. Both Cozumel dives I have been with no one that I knew and that takes some fun out of it.

Today wife (I) and I went to grandson's football game. He played well and I am happy to see him apparently enjoying playing. He had a really good hit and was obviously very proud of the praise he got from fans and teammates. He needs praise and encouragement and he doesn't always seem to get it. Not that he is put down, he just seldom seems to perform in a praise worthy manner. It was great to see his sister get excited when he played well also. He sometimes seems a little fragile as far as confidence even though I have not seen either of his parents be anything but supportive to him in any circumstance. Anyway, it was fun to see him smile so broadly for so long.

I have been not very mobile now for three weeks after my surgery. It still hurts a little to ride in the car. That is really the only time I have any pain to speak of . Nex week end my little grandkids come to see us. We have missed them and have not been able to travel the 225 miles to see them. I plan on joining my friends in the golf league tomorrow morning and walking at least 9 holes while they play. Am looking forward to seeing them again and spending time on a course even if I can't play. Next entry I will explain my interest in slot car racing.

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